Privacy Policy

This is the Nottingham City of Football website Privacy Policy

Nottingham City of Football logo1. What information do we gather?

We collect information from you when you register with us, we may also keep copies of emails we receive from you. If you have not signed up or contacted us then you will not receive any communication from us.

We do this for two reasons. Firstly so that we know what you want and can cater for what you want to see on the website. Secondly so that we can send or display tailored information to you. For example, if you tell us that you would like information on 5-a-side venues in Nottingham we might send or display information on local 5-a-side venues. Those preferences and all personal details will not be given or sold to third parties.

We use cookies on the site to store information and statistics about our visitors, this is done purely to give us insight into our audience, the effectiveness and popularity of our content and also to remember who you are when you return (allowing you to remain logged in and post comments without having to login each time for example). We do not give or sell this information to anyone else, however some services we use such as Google Analytics, Google Adsense, Facebook, and Disqus (the commenting system we use) may store cookies of their own about you for similar purposes.

2. What does our Privacy Policy cover?

Protecting the privacy and personal data of individuals is an important aspect of the way we organise and implement the Nottingham City of Football website.

The privacy statement does not cover other websites linked to on the Nottingham City of Football website or services of other websites we use. We are unable to offer any information about the level of privacy protection offered from or by those sites which are linked to or used as third party services which are not controlled by us.

3. Is it possible to access and browse this website without disclosing personal data?

Yes, only when you submit (via forms or email) personal information will we collect it.

4. Do we disclose users' personal data to third parties?

We will not give or sell your personal information to any third party companies. We will ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed unless we are required to do so by law.

5. Can I access the personal data you are holding about me?

By sending an email or by contacting you may request that we confirm whether or not we are holding personal data about you which will be provided free of charge. You may also request a copy of any such data which we do hold, in which case a £10 fee is payable for dealing with this request (as permitted under the Data Protection Act 1998).

Upon receipt of such a request from you, we will endeavor to meet your request within 40 days of our receiving all that information which we require in order to deal with the request. Insofar as the law permits, however, we reserve the right to refuse to provide you with information. In the event of our refusing to provide you with information we will provide you with the reasons behind the refusal.

All information that we provide to you as a result of a request will be provided free of charge.

6. Can I request that any data that you are holding about me is amended?

You may request that we amend any personal data that we are holding about you which is factually inaccurate, free of charge.

If you have agreed to the disclosure of personal information but no longer wish to do so, then please contact us.

7. What steps have been taken and what security is in place to keep my personal data secure?

To protect the integrity and security of your personal data we will take steps to verify your identity before granting access to your data or making corrections to it.

We have put in place appropriate technology measures and security policies and procedures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from unauthorised access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction or accidental loss. However it is impossible to guarantee the security of this data and we will not be liable if security is breached.


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