Ready to buy your first pair of boots, but not sure where to start? Follow these four golden rules and you’ll be sorted...
So you’ve played more than a few games of footie, and you’ve realised those worn-out old trainers don’t quite cut it on a slippery grass pitch. You know you need something a bit grippier, but when it comes to picking out a pair of football boots, you’ve got no idea where to start. That’s where this handy guide comes in.
Keep these four things in mind, and you’ll be rocking the perfect pair of boots in no time...
The pitch you’ll be playing on
If the pitch you’re using is a right muddy mess, you’re going to need different boots to the ones you’d use on a nice, dry field. If the February rain has turned your pitch into a bit of a bog, choose boots with metal studs that can be altered to different heights. They’ll give you more traction on wet ground when you need it, and help you avoid slips and slides.
The position you play
Sounds weird, but bear with us. Players who do more running around will need lighter boots to increase their speed. A player who runs less – a goalie or defender – will want stronger, protective boots for stability.
Your shoe size
Boots that fit are non-negotiable. If your shoes are too tight or too loose you’ll be in for a world of blistery pain, which will affect your game, so make sure you try before you buy.
The shape of your feet
It’s not just size that matters when buying boots – shape is important too. You might have flat feet or high arches, which means you might find some shoes more uncomfortable than others. You also need to look at the width of your feet and make sure the boots you choose aren’t too wide or too narrow.
All brands are a little bit different, so it’s important to try a few out to make sure they’re right for your feet before taking the plunge and buying.
Once you’ve got your boots sorted, head down to one of our sessions to break them in.
Mixed football, Bar Lane in Basford, Saturdays, 10am-12pm, free.
Don’t fancy that? Check out alternative sessions here.
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